Monday, March 2, 2009

These People!

As I reflect upon our first day of teaching and "ARTreaching", I cannot help but to think of all of the people I'm working with and have experienced thus far.  First off, I must say (as I'm sure all are aware) that this team is remarkable!  Not only is it a group of strong, dedicated artists, but a group of caring, giving humans who are an inspiration throughout the day.  It has become clear that as a group, we are a powerful and loving force.  Today after successful master classes at NOCCA, we led a liberating and exhausting evening at the YMCA.  With a large number of energetic kids, we played, performed and shared.  As our time ended, we participated in a group chant/mantra/inspiration.  As a group we declared "I am beautiful, I am smart, I am powerful", the children bright eyed and alive shouted with us as we built to "Yes We Can, We Will Change the World!"  An appropriate and moving beginning to our time with these great children.  All I could think was "I Love These People!!!"   

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