Sunday, March 4, 2012

We're Here!

After an exhausting journey, the team awoke this morning well-rested and ready to explore New Orleans!

Yesterday a group of us missed our connecting flight and were waiting standby on every flight. Luckily by the third flight out of Houston, we were all able to get on a flight and catch a few more minutes of sleep. Arriving back at HONO brought back many great memories from years past, and we lost no time getting acquainted with Paolo and Andrew from HandsOn New Orleans at the bunkhouse! Arriving much later than expected, we made our essential Walmart run for groceries before heading back home for a brief meeting and performance rehearsals. As a special treat, the group went for a late night beignet run at Cafe du Monde.

Today we are setting the morning aside to visit the French Quarter. With Corey's generous pancake-making skills, the group is well-fed and ready for some adventure!

The rest of the day will be spent doing last-minute dress rehearsals before our first performance of the week at Trinity Church tonight! Wish us luck!

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