...As we went through the door, the air filled our souls and released the stress of the unknown. New Orleans welcomed us with open arms. The sun shined and the rain started to come down. It was a sign that a cleansing was happening, that we were all here as a group doing something that means more than anything to us at this present time. I am at a time in my life where I should be auditioning for companies, I should be working on my self, I should, I should, I should... I am so tired of always thinking of my self. The world is so vast and the sole purpose of the arts is to share to the community. We need to remember that! I am so happy to be surrounded by people who are so talented, passionate, and artistic in the way that they only see pure happiness when they see someone smile. Our goal here is not to impose, its to share, to give all that we can, and to empower the creative minds of the community and ourselves. Life is great as a young adult, an artist, one who is full of joy and compassion. I am looking forward to this week. The unknown is always great, you may think it is an edge of a cliff, but we never think it could be a soft bed, a place of comfort.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Gate C87
...As we went through the door, the air filled our souls and released the stress of the unknown. New Orleans welcomed us with open arms. The sun shined and the rain started to come down. It was a sign that a cleansing was happening, that we were all here as a group doing something that means more than anything to us at this present time. I am at a time in my life where I should be auditioning for companies, I should be working on my self, I should, I should, I should... I am so tired of always thinking of my self. The world is so vast and the sole purpose of the arts is to share to the community. We need to remember that! I am so happy to be surrounded by people who are so talented, passionate, and artistic in the way that they only see pure happiness when they see someone smile. Our goal here is not to impose, its to share, to give all that we can, and to empower the creative minds of the community and ourselves. Life is great as a young adult, an artist, one who is full of joy and compassion. I am looking forward to this week. The unknown is always great, you may think it is an edge of a cliff, but we never think it could be a soft bed, a place of comfort.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
2009 Team!!

Alli Job (left), Co-Chair

2009 Mission Statement
The New Orleans 2009 team will return to New Orleans to engage the community affected by Hurricane Katrina. Sharing everything we know, we will embrace hope and open a dialogue with the intention of transcending daily struggles and empowering the creative spirit.
a personal reflection...
Hello! My name is Alli, I am forth year Double Bass major, and one of the co-chairs of the New Orleans Project 2009. This will be my third year involved with the trip, and I couldn't be more excited to go back.
APRIL 30, 2008
In the past I often found myself thinking about the role of the arts in our society – and how that role was constantly changing, evolving, and sometimes even disappearing. I would try to predict how that role would change in the future – and how that transformation would affect me. However that all changed when I meet Michelle and Sarah, two of the girls we taught at the YMCA near the lower ninth ward of New Orleans – ironically within sight of where the levees broke.
I believe my colleague on the trip, drama student Finn Wittrock put it best “getting to know the children was exhilarating but keeping order was exhausting.” And our first day proved to be both of those things. Within the first few minutes of our class a fight broke out between the girls, and it was getting very violent very fast. We immediately scraped our lesson plan and decided to start by performing for the students. My teaching collaborator Alex Rodriguez got up and presented a monologue that immediately brought the room to a silence that just moments before I didn’t think would ever exist. It was one of those powerful silences that says more than most conversations could every hope to do. Alex then opened the floor to the students – one by one they started to open up in their own way. After they started to get more comfortable and realized that it was a safe environment to share their ideas, something really amazing happened. They started to bring in their own work, free writing, poetry, lyricss. That is where Michelle and Sarah come in, these were the two girls who tried to start a fight in our first class, and these two girls both brought in poetry, poetry that they had written will they were waiting out hurricane Katrina in the superdome. They were only 10 when the storm hit but their words and the wisdom their language communicated was well beyond their young age. When they got up to share their work with the group, that silence I mentioned before came back. I looked around and there were tears streaming down the faces of almost all of the children in the room, including all of the girls who were just days before trying to harm each other. There was a newfound comradery in the room that was more powerful that anything I had ever experienced. It was at that very moment I realized that art isn’t about missing a note in an audition, or getting front row seats at a popular concert, its about Michelle, Sarah and others just like them. Art to me now is not in a constant state of transformation, it is in fact very constant. It is the perception of art that is constantly transforming – and that should have nothing to do with my own experience and love for my music.
Michelle and Sarah taught me that Art is not an privilege for the wealthy it is a necessity to human kind. When it came down to a situation of true desperation these children turned to art – and I believe that says something very very powerful.
It amazes me that a city that physically shows so little transformation holds so much hope and optimism in the hearts of it’s people and the people it touches.
a look back....
The New Orleans Project 2009

a view of the destruction from the levees three years later...
The Juilliard New Orleans Project 2009 is a team of Juilliard students who will spend their spring break volunteering to help the hurricane devastated community of New Orleans. The team will empower local youth by running arts immersion projects and providing free and accessible arts education, as well as rebuilding homes. We will simultaneously provide free public performances.
As students at The Juilliard School, we are dedicated to the mission of utilizing artistic expression in community outreach efforts to demonstrate the vitality of the arts as a teaching tool for initiating and establishing a greater sense of social understanding and acceptance. By empowering individuals through the arts, our Juilliard team strives to build strong communities in New Orleans that mirrors the beauty of the city’s spirit. We will combine music, theater and dance to reflect the necessity of community and to exemplify the act of working together for a better world.
This project was originally conceived in fall of 2006 by the Juilliard student group ARTreach. Realizing the need for help in the Gulf Coast region, our team decided to volunteer for a week of community service and outreach in New Orleans in March 2007. The project continued to grow in 2008 with a return trip, this time shedding even more light on the desperate situation within the city and, more importantly, the effects left upon its children.
We are proud to say our team plans to return for a third trip with the hopes of creating an even greater impact. In the wake of one of the worst natural disasters in United States history, there is a great deal of work to be done; both in the physical reconstruction of buildings demolished and in the revival of communities ripped apart by Hurricane Katrina. Your help and support would be greatly appreciated, and help us illustrate the power of the arts as a universal tool for initiating change, and offering hope for a brighter future for the children of New Orleans.